

  • It is the only country where you can see the sun rise in the Pacific and settle in the Atlantic.
  • It's the only country with a tropical forest within the capital city limits.
  • The country, being located south of the hurricane zone, is rarely affected by tropical storms or hurricanes.
  • The official language is Spanish, but English is widely spoken.
  • It was the first Latin American country to adopt the US dollar as its official currency.
  • The Panama Canal, built between 1904 and 1914, is considered one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
  • The country is home to 10,000 different plant species, including 1,400 varieties of orchids, 678 ferns and over 1,500 varieties of trees.
  • As its land connects Central and South America, Panama houses more than 976 bird species, which is more than the United States and Canada combined.
  • Its friendly laws and constitution grants foreigners and citizens the same right to property ownership
  • There are only two seasons: the dry season from December to April and the rainy season from May to November.
  • Its climate is tropical